VC Blastprotect
3D bomb simulation

Physical simulation of detonations to help analyze
hazards in three-dimensional space.

Simulation of detonation scenarios with unprecedented
accuracy and speed

Simulation of blast waves and shrapnel  

VC Blastprotect simulates the spread of blast waves and shrapnel caused by unexploded aerial bombs from World War II while factoring in surrounding structures. Along with adjustments in existing structures, the solution supports the modeling of specific situations in which such ordnance is discovered and can incorporate further objects (e.g. temporary container walls) into its simulations. It also enables users to examine, evaluate, and compare individual scenarios based on bomb type, location, and alignment.

The result: in-depth hazard analysis

VC Blastprotect illustrates expected blast waves and shrapnel for individual scenarios in the context of a 3D city model. On this basis, it then derives a distribution of damage and injury indicators that serves as a foundation for hazard analysis.

The benefits and added value of VC Blastprotect

This solution’s simulations produce results with unparalleled accuracy and speed to offer a visual impression of the expected effects of a detonation while factoring in the local circumstances in question. Depending on the scope of the simulation at hand, it can deliver reliable insights in just an hour and enables users to differentiate among areas that are susceptible to varying levels of danger. In situations in which the rapid, yet well-founded consideration of risks is of the utmost importance, VC Blastprotect helps plan the defusing, evacuation, and protection efforts required.

Process flow

Background & Motivation

VC Blastprotect emerged from the research project SIRIUS, which Virtual City Systems carried out in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-Institut and the ordnance removal service of North-Rhine Westphalia. It was motivated by the need for more accurate estimates regarding the many unexploded bombs in this German state and their potential impact on citizens, as well as for the ability to predict the effectiveness of measures designed to influence blast waves and shrapnel.

References – Dortmund

VC Blastprotect was deployed for the first time in an effort to defuse multiple aerial bombs in a high-risk area of Dortmund, Germany. A variety of bomb types were simulated in each of several suspected locations. The personnel involved also modeled temporary container walls as a means of mitigating the effects of a possible detonation and protecting the critical infrastructure nearby.

“…We succeeded in deriving more precise and differentiated predictions of the dangers posed by the suspected bomb locations. Numerical simulations of the spread of blast waves in various scenarios and the resulting damage and injury indicators enabled us to factor in the influence of adjacent structures… In particular, this the necessary evacuation and protection measures at the hospitals affected to an acceptable minimum. As a result, these facilities were able to forgo relocating their premature infants and patients in intensive care…”

Arnulf Rybicki (Head of Crisis Management)


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