VC Publisher
A multitool for city models

This is how easy building a digital city model can be –
with the intuitiveness and performance of VC Publisher.

Create online 3D maps
at the press of a button

Terrain models, digital orthophotos, oblique aerial photos, point clouds, 3D CityGML data – VC Publisher offers high-performance processing of all manner of geodata. It also configures VC Map according to users’ needs for subsequent publication online (or on an intranet).


VC Publisher supports the straightforward integration of various add-ons, including VC Warehouse as a data sharing platform, VC Planner as a planning module, and VC Database as a source for transforming CityGML objects and making them available to users.

VC Publisher features the following
functions and characteristics


Using its highly efficient, VC Converter, VC Publisher transforms any data imported in raster, vector, or CityGML format into Cesium target formats while maintaining a focus on quality and performance.


At the press of a button, VC Map can be published on a web server as a web application from within VC Publisher. It’s simple, intuitive, and compatible with any type of infrastructure.

Smart automation

Processes can be initiated in a fully automated way. This means that an update will bring not only your data sources up to speed, but all your applications, as well.

Maximum flexibility

Experienced users can integrate various plugins or develop their own to add in the functions they need. The ability to insert custom code also helps ensure the utmost in flexibility and extensibility.

Multiple access points

VC Publisher can be installed on a local server or
hosted in the cloud.

Administrative environment

User roles and privileges can be configured
however you see fit.

Smart widgets

The option to personalize the application with an array of widgets offers the greatest possible added value.

Adjustable performance

If necessary, more resources can be allocated to VC Publisher to enable faster data transformation.

Database integration

Instances of VC Database or 3DCityDB can be integrated for direct processing of the 3D CityGML objects they contain.

OGC Web Services

You won’t have any issues integrating or querying WM(T)S and WFS services whenever required.

Other features our customers love


VC Publisher combines complex processes and makes it possible to carry them out at the click of a mouse.


Following a brief learning period, users quickly begin making progress and producing initial results.


VC Map

Visualize, analyze, and simulate 3D city models on the web with this multifunctional, platform-agnostic solution.

VC Converter

Efficient conversion of terrain models, oblique aerial images, orthophotos, and
CityGML data for 3D viewing in one reliable, high-performance solution.

VC Database

A professional administration system for CityGML data that makes database operations a snap.

VC Warehouse

3D data conversion into every common industry format at the press of a button.
VC Warehouse has what you’re looking for!

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